English Popish Ceremonies: Bibliography

George Gillespie (1613-1648)George Gillespie

English Popish Ceremonies: Bibliography

Copyright © 1998 Naphtali Press

Bibliographical Index for Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies

by Christopher Coldwell

The following bibliography is an attempt to provide the most information possible, without undertaking the formidable task of tracing each particular edition of the works the author may have used. The page numbers refer to the location within the Naphtali Press edition of EPC where Gillespie cites the work (c. 1637).

An Abridgment of that booke which the ministers of Lincoln diocess delivered to his majestie. Being the first of an apologye for themselves and their brethren that refuse the subscription, and conformitie which is required [W. Jones Secret Press, 1605]. — 242, 246-247, 428
Ainsworth, Henry, Puritan divine (1571-1622)
Annotations Upon the Five Bookes of Moses, and the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs (London, 1627)
On Genesis 35:4 — 198
Alsted, Johann, German Reformed divine (1588-1638)
Thesaurus Chronologiæ (Herborn, 1624) — 49, 65, 76
Theologia casuum (Hanover, Germany, 1621) — 12, 15, 16, 25, 69, 375-376, 450
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (c.340-397)
Epistle 31 — 272
On 1 Tim 3 — 343
On 1 Tim 5:1 — 345
Ames, William, English Puritan divine (1576-1633)
Bellarmine Enervatus (1630) — 5, 15, 259, 283, 446-448
De Conscientia (1630) — 12, 15, 26, 103, 112, 127, 418, 422, 454
Fresh Suite against human Ceremonies in God’s Worship (1633) — 68, 133, 142, 243-244, 247, 258
Andrews, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester (1555-1626)
Sermons (1628) — xli, 11, 48, 68, 78, 98, 129-130, 148, 150-153, 159, 216, 263-264, 271, 282
Arias Montanus, Spanish priest and Orientalist (1527-1598)
Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Græce, et Latine, Philippi II, Regis Catholici Pietate et Studio ad Sacrosanctæ Ecclesiæ Usum Chph. Plantinus excudebat (Antwerp, 1571) — 441
Aquinas, Thomas, Medieval philosopher and theologian (1224-1274)
Summa Theologica — xl, xlii, 30, 101, 108, 114, 122, 134, 136-138, 171, 186, 190, 196, 221-222, 324, 333, 392-393, 395-396, 405, 408-411, 418, 435, 448, 455-457, 460
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
Quæstiones et Locutiones in Heptateuchum. De Octo Quæst ex Vet. Testamento — 343
Confessionum — 396-397
Contra Epistolam Parmeniani — 382
De Baptismo contra Donatistas — 272
De Bono Conjugali — 158
De Civitale Dei — xxxiii, xxxvi
De Moribus Ecclesiæ cath. et de moribus Manichiæorum — 111
De Verbis Domini — 91
Epistle 64. — 29
Epistle 86, ad Casulan — 187, 462
Epistle 118, ad Januar. — 40, 291
Balduin, Friedrick, Lutheran theologian (1575-1627)
Tractatus lucentus posthumus (Wittenberg, 1628)
Tractatus De Casibus Conscientiæ. — 3, 25, 26, 34, 70, 92, 110, 134, 186, 259, 325, 330-331, 347, 355, 370, 375, 388, 405, 462
Banes, Domingo, Spanish Thomistic theologian (1528-1604)
Commentary on Summa Theologiæ — 103
Baronius, Cesare, Cardinal (1538-1607)
Annales Ecclesiastici (12 vls, 1588-1607) — 113
Basilius Magnus (St. Basil), Greek Father (c.328-379)
Epistle 80 — 72
Epistle 141, ad Cæarian. — 217
Bastwick, John (1593-c.1650)
Elenchus Relig. Papisticæ (1624) — 193, 259, 264
Baynes, Paul, Puritan divine (d.1617)
A Help to true happiness. Or a brief and learned Exposition of the Points of Christian Religion (1st ed. 1618, 3rd ed. 1635) — 201
Becan, Martin, Jesuit controversialist (1563-1624)
Manuale Controversaiarum (Mainz, 1623) — 27, 213,
Bellarmine, Cardinal Robert, Jesuit apologist (1542-1621)
Disputationes de Controversiis Christiane Fidei (Ingolstadt, 1581-93)
De Clericis — 348
De Cultus Sanctorum — 4, 39, 145, 148
De Effect. Sacram. — 82, 187, 191-192, 258, 341
De Euch. — 44
De Imag. Sanct. — 194, 261
De Pont. Rom. — 18, 22, 122, 138
De Sacram. Confirm. — 218
De Sacr. Euchar. — 207, 435
De Sacram. — 282
De Sacrif. Missæ — 122, 138
Institutiones linguæ hebraicæ (Rome, 1585) — 262
Beza, Theodore, Reformer (1519-1605)
Ad tractationem de ministrorum evangelii gradibus ad Hadriano Saravia (Belga edition, 1592) — 375
Annotationes ad Novum Testamentum — 41, 43, 158, 186, 436, 446
Antith. Papal. et Christian. — 191, 244
Confessio Christiane fidei et eiusdem collatio cum papisticis hæresibus (1575) — 16, 140, 341
De Triplici Episcopatau Gen. — 373, 381
Bini, Severin, Catholic theologian (d.1641)
Concilia Generalia et Provincialia Græca et Latina — xxxvii
Bodin, Jean, French jurist (1520-1596)
Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (1566) — xxviii
Boniface VIII, Pope (c.1234-1303)
de Reg. Juris — 146, 389
Bucer, Martin, Strasburg Reformer (1491-1551)
Scripta Anglicana fere omnia (Basle, 1577)
Censura. — 6, 82
[sic. cf Gerson Bucer (c.1565-1631)] Dissertatio de Gubernatione Ecclesiæ (Middelburgi Zelandorum, 1618) — 352
Buchanan, George, Scottish humanist (1506-1582)
Rerum Scoticarum Historia (1582; English, 1690) — 340
Bullinger, Heinrich, Swiss Reformer (1504-1575)
Commentary on John 10:22 — 270
Commentary on 1 Cor. 7:23 — 8, 104
Commentary on 2 Cor. 2:7 — 378
Commentary on 1 Tim 5:17 — 345
Burges, Dr. John, moderate Puritan divine (1563-1635)
An answer rejoined to that much applauded pamphlet A reply to Dr. Morton’s general defense of three nocent ceremonies (1631) — xxxv, 3, 57, 88, 210
A Manuduction unto the following Dispute (pp. 27-42 of the above work) — 9, 154, 283, 286
The Lawfulness of Kneeling in the act of receiving the Lord’s Supper (1631) — 136-137, 177-180, 199, 205-206, 208, 212, 218, 222, 226, 236, 239, 242, 247, 257, 286, 411
Buxtorff, John (1564-1629)
Lexicon Hebraicum et Chald. (Basle, 1607) — 262, 441
Calderwood, See Didoclavius
Calepino, Ambrosio, (1436-1511). Author of a famous Latin dictionary first published in 1502 (and many times thereafter), which was a standard throughout the sixteenth century. — 405, 440
Calvin, John, Reformer (1509-1564)
Commentary on Exodus
20:5 — 83
23:24 — 160
Commentary on Leveticus 19:27 — 185
Commentary on Num 25:3 — 157
Commentary on Deuteronomy 12:2 — 164
Commentary on Joshua.
chp. 22 — 252
chp. 9 — 452-453
Commentary on Psalms
chp. 2 — 307
16:4 — 191
95:6 — 170
Commentary on Isaiah 27:9 — 160
Commentary on Amos 6:4 — 441
Commentary on Matthew
18:6 — 125
18:17, 18 — 375, 376
21:25 — 250
23:2 — 268, 269
26:21 — 436
Commentary on Luke 17:21 — 83
Commentary on Acts
chp. 15. — 4, 43
14:23 — 351
18:21 — 270
Commentary on Romans
13:4 — 461
14:5. — 25, 417
chp. 14, 25 — 415
chp. 23 — 424
Commentary on 1 Corinthians
5:4 — 373, 377
10:23 — 66, 68
10:31 — 413
11:21 — 240
Commentary on 2 Corinthians
2:6 — 377
chp. 6 — 184
Commentary on Galatians 2:4, 5 — 104
Commentary on Colossians 4:10 — 37
Commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:21 — 30
Commentary on 1 Timothy 4:14 — 352
De Fugiend. Idolat. — 211
Epistolæ et Responsa (Geneva 1575) — 48, 50-52, 66, 90, 92, 159, 168, 273, 285, 465
Epistle ad Protect. Angl. (to Protector Somerset). — 294
Institutes — 7, 12, 14, 49, 66, 285, 289, 339, 435
Lib. Epist. — xxxvii, xl, 375, 380, 385
Resp. ad Libel. de pii viri officio. — 16
Resp. ad Versipel. — 162, 166
Vera Ecclesiæ Reformandæ Ratio. — 65, 137
Cameron, John, Scottish synegestic theologian (c.1579-1625) Opera (1658)
An Examination of those plausible appearances which seem most to commend the Romish Church and to prejudice the Reformed
(Oxford, 1624) — xxxv, 83-85
Prælectiones theologicæ in selectiora quædam loca N.T. (Saumur, 3 vols. 1626-28). — xli, 10, 20, 21, 28, 35, 104, 249, 269, 279, 285, 290, 307, 326, 334, 376, 411, 425, 442
Cartwright, Thomas, Puritan divine (1535-1603)
Confutation of the Rhemish Testament (1618)
Matt. 8 — 177
Matt. 15 — 137
Matt. 15:9 — 47
Matt. 16 — 122
Matt. 18 — 375
Matt. 19 — 260
Matt. 22 — 322
Matt. 26 — 447
John 10:22 — 268, 270
Acts 2:1 — 194
Acts 8 — 110, 340
Acts 14:23 — 349-350
Acts 15 — 417
1 Cor. 5:4 — 370
1 Cor. 10:21 — 157
1 Cor. 11 — 177, 208, 218, 224, 253
1 Cor. 11:20 — 240
1 Cor. 11:23 — 436, 437
2 Cor. 2:6 — 378
Gal. 4:10 — 35, 39, 109
Col. 2:16 — 39
1 Tim. 4:5 — 145
1 Tim. 5:17 — 345
1 Tim 6:20 — 78
Heb. 11:21 — 207
2 John 10 — 191
Rev. 1:10 — 191
Rev. 13:16, 17 — 192
Casaubon, Issac, French humanist scholar (1559-1614)
Exercitationes contra Baronium (1614) — xxxix, 241
Cassander, George (1513-1566)
Opera (1616)
Anglic. — ix, xxxviii, 3, 57
De Laicis — 78, 92
De Offic. Pii Viri (1561) — xxxvii
Chemnitz, Martin, German Lutheran theologian (1522-1586)
De Examen concilii Tridentini (1565-1573, 4 vols.) — 4, 7, 13, 28-29, 66, 177, 204, 245, 285, 345, 353-354, 378, 462
Chrysostom, Greek Father (347-407)
1 Corinthians
Hom. 27 — 248
Hom. 18 — 383
Ephesians, chp. 1, serm. 3 — 240
1 Tim 3 — 344
Titus, Hom. I — 7
Cicero, Roman statesman (106-43 B.C.)
Officiis — 394
De Natura Deorum — 398
Clement of Rome, Apostolic Church Father (fl. c.90-100)
Clementine Homilies
Epist. 1, ad Jacob (to James). — 345
Confession (1580). See King’s Confession.
Confession of Faith (1560). The Scottish Confession drawn up by Johns Knox, Spottiswood, Willock, Row, Douglas, and Winram. Works of Knox, edited by David Laing (New York: AMS Press, rpt 1966), vol. 2. — 454
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (d.258)
Ad Pompeium contra Epist. Stephani — 272
De Hæret. Baptiz. — 8
Lib. 1, Epist. 4, 68 — 350
Lib. 1, Epist. 9 — 386
Lib. 2, Epist 3 — 428
Lib. 3, Epist. 2, 10 — 386
Lib. 3, Epist. 14-16 — 383
Daneau, Lambert, French Calvinist minister (1530-1596)
De Politice Christiana (Geneva, 1596) — 15, 29, 165, 315, 327, 330, 375
Davenant, John, Bishop of Salisbury (1576-1641)
Expositio Epist. D. Pauli ad Colossenses (Cambridge, 1630; translated by Allport, London, 1831) — xxxiv, 42, 46, 198-199, 413, 415
Prælectiones de duobus in theologia controversis capitibus (Camb., 1631).
Disputatio de Justitia Habituali et Actuali altero — 319, 426
De Judice Controversiarum primo — 296, 313, 320, 328, 334, 336, 365, 367
Decretum Gratiani (Canon Law) — 14, 29, 88, 186, 190, 272, 294, 324, 344, 350, 359, 369, 384-385
Didoclavius [David Calderwood], Scottish divine and historian (1575-1650?)
Course of Conformity (1622) Also attributed to William Scot (1558-1642) — 290
Altare Damascenum (1623; 1708) — 49, 112, 140, 217, 219, 234, 236, 240, 435, 440, 443
The Pastor and the Prelate (1628) — 88
Perth Assembly (1619) — 8-10, 151
A Reply to Dr. Morton’s Particular Defence (1623) — 122-123
Dominis, de, Marco Antonio, Archbishop of Spalato (1566-1624)
Responsio ad magnum partem Defensionis fidei P. Francisci Suarez (London, 1617) — 225-226, 297-298
De Republicâ Ecclesiastica (Part I, London, 1617; Part II, 1620; Part III, Hanov. 1622[/efn_note] — 12, 13, 77-78, 80, 101-102, 108, 113, 202, 205-206, 213-214, 218, 221, 225, 239, 242, 297, 299, 343-344, 352, 361-364, 367-368, 382-383, 385, 392
Downame, George, Bishop of Derry (d.1634)
A Sermon preached at Lambith on Rev. 1:20, defending the honorable function of Bishop (1608) — 356
A Defence of a Sermon (1611) — 389
An abstract of the duties commanded in the law of God (1619) — 146, 256
Durand, Guillaume, learned ritualist (c.1230-1296)
Rationale divinorum officiorum.
Lib. 5, Tit. de Prima et lib. 6, Tit. de Die Sancta Pasc. — 177
Tit. de Pictur. et Cortin. — 213, 341
De Die Sanct. Pasch. — 464
Epiphanus, Bishop of Constantia (Salamis) (c.315-403)
Panarium — 238-239
Fenner, Dudley, Puritan divine (1558-1587)
Sacra Theologia (London, 1585; Amsterdam, 1632) — 66, 141, 375, 387
Field, Richard, High Church divine (1561-1616)
The Book Of the Church (1606) — xlii, 9, 14, 18, 78, 121, 221, 242, 275-276, 282, 296, 322, 365, 389
First Book of Discipline. The platform of the policy of the Church of Scotland drawn up by John Knox and others in 1560. Works of Knox, edited by David Laing (New York: AMS Press, rpt 1966), vol. 2. — 36, 346, 358, 458
Fonseca, Pedro da, Jesuit metaphysician (1528-1599)
Commentarii in Aristotelem (Lugduni, 1601-05, 4 vols.) — 407
Forbes, John (1593-1648)
Irenicum Amatoribus Veritatis et Pacis in Ecclesia Scotiana (Aberdeen, 1629) — 3, 9, 112, 115-121, 139, 161-163, 232-233, 260, 273, 308-309, 336, 357, 359, 380, 384, 388, 405-407, 409-410, 415-416, 419, 423, 424, 439, 450-451, 455
Forster, Johann, German theologian (1495-1558)
Dictionarium hebraicum novum, etc. (Basileæ, 1557) — 436
Foxe, John, Protestant martyrologist (1516-1587)
Eicasmi seu Meditationes in sacram Apocalysin (London, 1587)
In Rev. ii, iii — xxxvii
Fulk, William, Puritan divine (d.1589)
Rhemes Translation of the New Testament, and the authorized English Version, with the Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and Annotations of the Rhemists, and Dr. Fulke’s Confutation of all such Arguments, Glosses, and Annotations (1580 1st ed.; Cambridge, 1843)
Luke 24:50 — 244
Rom. 10:15 — 355
1 Cor. 5:4 — 370, 381
1 Cor 10 — 186
1 Cor. 11:16 — 273
1 Cor. 11:23 — 436-437, 443
2 Cor. 2:6 — 377
Phil. 2:10 — 294
1 Tim. 5:17 — 345
Defence of the sincere and true Translation of the Scriptures, against Gregory Martin (1583, 1617, 1633) — 447
Gerhard, Johann, Lutheran theologian (1582-1637)
Loci Communes Theologici (1610-1625, 9 vols.). — 296, 328, 335, 344-345, 347, 349, 351, 355-356, 370, 375-376, 381, 388
Gerson, Jean Charlier, French theologian (1363-1429)
De Auferibilitate Papæ (1409) — 128
Godwin, Thomas, English theologian (1587-1643)
Moses and Aaron; or the civil and ecclesiastical Rites used by the ancient Hebrews, observed and at large opened for the clearing of many obscure Texts throughout the whole Scriptures, etc. (London, 1685, 12th ed.) — 267, 437
Gorran, Nicolas de, French Catholic theologian (c.1230-1295)
Commentaria Nicolai Gorrani in quatuor Evangelia (Colon., 1472)
Matt. 15 — xxxv
Gratian — See under Decretum Gratiani
Gregory I, Pope, (c.541-604)
Decret. Greg. — 450, 457
Letter to Leander. — 109, 187
Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich (1574-1656)
Works (1625)
A Common Apology of the Church of England against the unjust challenges of the Brownists — 192-193, 200, 232
Character of Virtue and Vices: the Contemplations — 453, 457, 463
No Peace with Rome — xxxvii
Superstitious — 201
Hemmingsen, Niels, Crypto Calvinist theologian (1513-1600)
Enchiridion Theologicum (Leipzig, 1562)– 23, 25, 376, 103, 376, 387
Hillary, Bishop of Poitiers (c.315-368)
Contra Constantium — xxxiii
Ad Constantium Augustum Liber Primus — xxxiii
Hooker, Richard, English theologian (c.1554-1600)
Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity — xxxv, xl, 31, 82, 106, 122, 135-136, 139, 144-145, 147, 183-185, 188, 190, 203-204, 223, 242-243, 256, 261, 289, 391, 444
Hospinian, Rudolph, Swiss Protestant theologian (1547-1626)
Opera Omni (Geneva, 1681)
Festa Christianorum: hoc est, De origine progressu, ceremoniis et riti bus festorum dierum Christianorum (Zurich, 1587). — 4, 15, 39, 40, 47, 82, 85, 267
De origine, progressu, usu, et abusu templorum (Zurich, 1587) — 144, 191, 208, 240, 270, 318
Historia sacramentaria (Zurich, 1598-1602) — 432, 435
Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons (fl. c.175-c.195)
Adversus Hæreses — 299
Isidore of Seville (d. 636)
Dist. 21 cap. 1 — 344
Jansen, Cornelius, Belgian (Roman Catholic) theologian (1510-1576)
Concordia Evangelica et ejusdem Concordiæ ratio (Louvain, 1549) — 110, 138, 435-436, 438, 442
Jerome, Saint (c.345-c.419)
On Isa. 53 — 387
On Dan 1:8 — 108
On Dan. 6. — 21, 47
On Matt. 16 — 383
On Matt. 18:6 — 100-101
On Titus 1 — 356
Epist. ad Evagr. — 358, 383
Josephus, Flavius (37-c.100)
Antiquities of the Jews — 269, 436-437
Junius, Hadrianus, Lexicographer (1511-1575)
The Nomenclator, or remembrancer (London, 1585) — 440
Junius, Franciscus, Reformed theologian (1545-1602)
Animadversiones in Bellarmine (Leyden, 1608) — 14, 28, 43, 81, 245, 270, 311, 322, 343, 345-358, 362-365, 367, 373, 375, 386
Latin Bible with notes, edited by Junius and Emmanuel Tremellius, the principal author (Frankfort, 1579)
On Gen. 1:26 — 32
On Num 33:52 — 156
On Ezek. 9:4 — 261
On Revelation
7:3 — 261
13:16 — 192
14:1 — 263
De Politæ Mosis Observatione (Leyden, 1593) — 266, 282, 287, 392-393, 395-396, 398, 411
Ecclesiastici sive De Natura Et Administratione Ecclesiæ Dei
(Frankfurt, 1581) — 328, 388
De Libertate Christiani (Leyden, 1599) — 9, 15
Justinian I, (483-565)
Corpus Juris Civilis
Institutes — 392
Novellæ constitutiones post codicem — 383, 387, 390
King’s Confession (1580/81). Calderwood calls this the Second Confession of Faith. See the text in David Calderwood’s History of the Kirk of Scotland (Edinburgh: For the Wodrow Society, 1843), Vol. 3, pp. 501-505 — 449, 459
Kirchmeyer (Naogeorgus), Thomas, German Protestant theologian (c.1508-c.1563)
On 1 John 5:21. — 167
Knox, John, Scottish Reformer (c.1514-1572)
The Works of Knox, edited by David Laing (New York: AMS Press, rpt 1966).
A Letter to the Queen Dowager, Vol. 4, pp. 80-81. — 289
The first (second-third) book of the history of the reformation of religion within the realm of Scotland. [Anon.][T. Vautrollier, 1587] (see also Laing, vols. 1 & 2.) — 200, 250
Lactantius, Christian apologist (c.240-c.320)
Divinarum Institutionum — xxxiv, xlv
Leo I, Pope (c.400-460)
Epistle 95 — 350
Lapide, Cornelius à, Roman Catholic commentator (1567-1637)
Commentary on Mal. 1:11 — 144, 210, 447
Commentary on Hag. 2:24 — 203
Commentary on Amos 6:4 — 442
Leyden, Professors of. Antonius Walæus (1573-1639), Andreas Rivetus (1572-1651), Antonius Thysius (1603-1665), John Polyander (1568-1646)
Synopsis Purioris Theologiæ (Leyden, 1581; edited by Herman Bavinck, Leiden, 1881). — 15, 23, 29, 134, 141, 154, 191, 247, 345, 355-356, 360, 375, 381, 393, 396
Lindsey, David, Bishop of Edinburgh (d.1641)
Proceedings in Perth Assembly. A True narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the General Assembly (1621) — 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49-52, 74, 97, 98, 140-141, 146, 148, 149, 152, 169, 176, 194, 206, 208-209, 211-212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 223-224, 227-229, 234-235, 264, 267-269, 428-429, 431, 440, 443, 446, 454-456, 458
Epistle to Pastors of the Church of Scotland (prefaced to Proceedings) — 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 28, 95, 115, 146, 256, 277, 282, 290
Sermon at Perth Assembly by Spottiswood, (pp. 21-46 in Proceedings) — 2, 8, 11, 28, 50, 57, 68, 70, 97, 113, 206, 220, 306, 404
Lipsius, Justus, Roman Catholic scholar (1547-1606)
Lib. De Una Religione. Advers. Dialogistam (in Opera Omnia, Antwerp, 1585; 2d edit. 1637). — 272
Lombard, Peter, Scholastic theologian (d.1164)
Sententiarum libri quatuor (Louvain, 1567), — 343, 344
Lonicerus, Phillippus
Chronicorum Turcicorum (Francofort, 1578) — xxxvi
Luther, Martin, German Reformer (1483-1546)
Commentary in 1 Pet. 5:3. — 23
De Bonis Operibus (Wittenberg, 1521) [Treatise of Good Works (London, 1535)] — 49
Lyser (Lyserus), Polycarp, Lutheran theologian (1552-1610)
Harmonia evangeliorum, by Martin Chemnitz, German Protestant Theologian (1522-1586), completed by Lyser and Gerhard (1628)
On Matt. 16:24 — 430
Magdeburg Centuries, Centuriæ Magdeburgenses (Basil, 1559-74) — xxxvi, xxxviii, 29, 47, 103, 108, 127, 134, 143-144, 164-165, 187-188, 191, 239-240, 370, 461-462
Maldonatus, Joannes, Spainish Jesuit (1534-1583).
Commentarii in quatuor Evangelistas (Lyons, 1615)
Matt. 8:3. — 91
17:27 — 106
19:13, 15 — 260,
26:21 — 437
26:26, 27 — 431, 433
John 10:22 — 270
13:2 — 436
Marlorat, Augustine, French Reformed theologian (1506-1563)
Comment on Rom 15:22 — xxxix
Meisner, Balthazar, German Lutheran theologian (1587-1626)
Philosophia Sobria (Hampelii, 1611) — 16
Tract. die Fest. Virid. — 436, 442
Melanchthon, Philip, German Reformer (1497-1560)
Commentary on Col. 3:12, 13 — 87
Morel, Federic, French printer of clasical literature (1558-1630)
Philosophi et M. A. Senecæ rhetoris quæ extant opera; ad veterum exemplarium fidem castigata. Tertia editio recensita et aucta scholiis F. Morell (Paris, 1619)
De Beneficiis — 404, 411
Morton, Thomas, Bishop (1564-1659)
A Defense of the innocency of the three ceremonies of the Church of
England (1618)
Part I. General Defense of the Three Nocent Ceremonies. — 210
Part II. Practicular Defense of the Three Nocent Ceremonies — 2, 73, 187, 236, 242, 286, 443
Mornay, Philippe De [Seigneur du Plessis-Marly; Duplessis-Mornay], French Huguenot leader (1549-1623)
Le mystère d’iniquité (Saumur, 1611, fol.) The mysterie of iniquitie: that is to say the histoire of the papacie. Englished by S. Lennard (1612) — 121
Musculus, Wolfgang, Reformer (1497-1563)
Commentary in John 4:24 — 82
Mynsingerus, Joachinus, Legal scholar (1517-1588)
Institutum de Actionibus Scholia, etc. (Basel, 1545) — 392-393
Natale Conti (1520?-1580)
Natalis Comitis Mythologiæ (1st ed, 1551; Geneva, 1636) — xli, 82
Nazianzen, Gregory, Greek Father (c.330-389)
Apologet. — 29
Nicephorus, Callistus Xanthopulus, 14th Century Greek Church historian (d.1359) — 47
Osiander, Lucas, theologian and historian (1534-1604)
Epitomes historiæ ecclesiasticæ centuriæ xv (ex Historia Magdeburgica, 1607) — xxxiv, xxxviii, xxxix, 238, 350, 387
Ovid, Latin poet (43 B.C. – 17 A.D.)
Metamorphoses — xxxvii
Pagninus, Santes, Dominican scholar (1470-1536)
Thesaurus linguæ sanctæ (Lyons, 1529) — 441
Panvinio, Onofrio, Augustinian monk, historian (1529-1568)
Epitome Romanorum pontificum (Venice, 1557). This is a revised edition of Bartolomeo Platina’s (1421-1481) De Vitis pontificum (Venice, 1471) –4, 192, 306
Paræus, David, German Reformed Theologian (1548-1586)
Works (1647, 3 vols.)
Commentary on:
1:26 — 32
2:3 — 148
17:27 — 107
18:17-18 — 372, 375
26:10 — 442
26:21 — 436, 437
26:26 — 446
1:19 — 397
10:15 — 355
12:8 — 345
13:4 — 309, 461
13:7 — 308
14 — 21, 22, 419, 420, 462
15:1 — 130
1 Corinthians
5:4 — 370, 375, 376, 379
6:12 — 68
7:24 — 6
8:9 — 116
8:13 — 69
10:14 — 191
10:15 — 30
10:18 — 186
10:20 — 211
10:21 — 157
10:23 — 414
10:28 — 109
10:29 — 114
11:14 — 395
11:21 — 240, 433
11:22 — 254
11:24 — 445
11:26 — 234, 235
12:28 — 345
14:26 — 66
14:40 — 15
2:4, 5 — 104
2:11 — 128
4:3 — 40

13:16, 17 — 192
Explicationes Catacheseos Palatinæ sive Corpus Theologiæ [edited and expanded by Paræus, but originally by Zacharias Ursinus, German Reformed theologian (1534-1583), Opera Theologica (Heidelberg, vol. 1, 1612)]. — 202, 391
Parker, Robert (d.1614)
A Scholastical discourse against symbolizing with Antichrist in ceremonies, especially in the sign of the cross (1607)
Of the Cross in Baptism — 9, 19, 28, 78, 91, 96-97, 105, 109-112, 121, 124, 129, 174, 197, 324, 462
Paybody, Thomas
A Just Apology for the Gesture Kneeling in the act of receiving the Lord’s Supper (London, 1629) — 9, 28, 75, 124-128, 174, 176, 179, 183-185, 206, 210, 216, 218, 226, 230-231, 242-243, 247, 256, 287, 404, 427, 435
Pelargus, Christopher, German Protestant theologian (1565-1633)
Commentary in John 13 — 436
Perkins, William, Puritan divine (1558-1602)
A Commentary upon the first five chapters of the Epistle to the Galatians (1617)
2:14 — 112-113
3:24 — 245
4:10 — 123
Works, 3 vols. (1635)
Commentary on Jude 3 — 370-371
Exposition of the Creed of the Apostles — 123
Sermons upon Revelation 1-3
2:14 — 156
3:7 — 331, 337
The Whole Treatise of Cases of Consciences — 12, 15, 16
Perrin, John Paul, of Lyons
History of the Waldenses (London, 1624, 3 parts) — 65, 88, 135, 143, 240
Platina, Battista Bartolomeo de Sacchi (1421-1481)
Vitæ Pontificum [Lives of the Popes] — 95, 306
Pliny, the elder (23-79)
Natural History — 98, 100
Polanus, Amandus, German Reformed theologian (1561-1610)
Syntagma Theologiæ Christianæ (1612) — 7, 66, 101, 107, 141, 165, 202, 223, 245, 247, 296, 315, 345, 370, 375, 391, 456, 463
John Polyander (1568-1646). See Leyden, Professors of.
Possidius, St., disciple of Augustine (d.after 431)
Vita Augustina — 350
Potter, Christopher (c.1591-1646)
Want of Charity Justly Charged on all such Romanists as dare affirm, that Protestancy destroys salvation. In answer to a late Popish pamphlet entitled Charity Mistaken. (1633) — 78, 348
Powel, Gabriel, Puritan (1576-1611)
De Adiaphoris. Theological and Scholastical positions concerning things indifferent (London, 1607) — 403
A Consideration of the Deprived and Silenced Ministers’ Arguments (London, 1606) — 1
Rainold(e)s, John, Moderate Puritan divine (1549-1607)
The Summe of the Conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart touching the Head and Faith of the Church, etc. (1584, 1588, 1598, 1609) — 109, 136, 145, 172, 191, 195-196, 203
Rivetus, Andreas (1572-1651). See Leyden, Professors of.
Rollock, Robert, Scottish theologian (1555-1599)
In epistolom Pauli apostal ad Thessalonicenses priorem (posteriorem) commentarius (1598).
1 Thess. 5:22. — 156
Rosinus, Joannes, Antiquarian (1551-1626)
Romanarum antiquitatum libri decem (Basel, 1583; Lyons, 1585, 1606, 1609) — 392-393
Sadeelis, Antonius (Antoine Chandieu de la Roche), Reformed theologian (1534-1591)
Opera Theologica (Geneva, 1593)
Cent. Flosc. Tur. Disput. Flosc. — 222
Sancta Clara, Franciscus à (Christopher Davenport), English Romanist divine (c.1598-1680)
Paraphrastica Expositio Articulorum Confessionis Anglicanæ (1635) — 91, 207, 221
Sanctius, Casper, Jesuit, Professor of Theology at Madrid (1554-1628)
On Isa. 30:22 — 155, 159
On Ezek. 9:4 — 262
On Acts 15 — 416
On Acts 16:3 — 425
Saravia, Hadrian, Anglican scholar (1531-1613)
Diversi Tractatus Theologiæ (1611)
De Diversis Ministrorum Evangelli gradibus. contr. Beza — 84, 242, 374, 377-378, 381
De Imperandi Authoritate et Christiana obedienta — 307, 320
N. Fratri et Amico — 88, 96, 110, 161, 196, 242
Sarpi, Paolo, Servite theologian (1552-1623)
The historie of the Councel of Trent, tr. N. Brent (1620, 2nd ed. 1629) — 28, 139, 419
Sayer, Gregory, Catholic casuist (1560-1602)
Casuum conscientiæ sive theologiæ moraliis thesauri (Venice, 1609) — xl
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, Renaissance humanist (1484-1558)
Exotericarum exercitationum liber XV De subtilitate ad Hieronymum Cardanum (Hanover, 1634) — 218, 394, 396, 398, 409
Scapula, Johann (fl.1580)
Lexicon Græco – Latinæ (Basileæ, 1600) — 440
Second Book of Discipline (1578). First explicit statement of Scottish Presbyterianism. See James Kirk, The Second Book of Discipline, with Introduction and Commentary (Edinburgh: St. Andrews Press, 1980) — 331, 352, 380, 458
Seneca, Roman philosopher (c.8 B.C.-c.65 A.D.)
See Under Morel, Federic
Sharp, John (c.1572-c.1648)
Cursus Theologicus (Geneva, 1618; 1622) — 202, 393
Simson, Patrick, Scottish minister and historian (1556-1618).
The History of the Church (3rd ed., 1634) — 189
Siricius, Pope (c.334-399)
Epist. ad Ambros. inter Ambr. Epist. (Epistolæ, Ambrose’ Works) — 387
Sleidan, Johann, Roman Catholic annalist (1506-1556)
De statu Religionis et Republicæ Carola V Cæsare Commentarii (1555) — 66, 70, 76, 78, 95, 175
Socrates, Greek Church historian (b.380)
Lib. 5, cap. 22. — 47, 88, 241, 263, 278, 330
Speed, John, English historian (c.1555-1629)
History of Britain — xliv
Spottiswood, John, Archbishop of St. Andrews (1565-1639)
Sermon at Perth Assembly (see under Lindsey)
Sprint, John (d.1623)
Cassander Anglicanus: showing the necessity of conformity to the prescribed ceremonies of our church in case of deprivation (London, 1618) Contains also the following exchange: A brief and plain answer to Master Sprint’s discourse (Anonymous). Sprint replied in, Reply to the Answer to My first reason — xxix, 4, 57-58, 60-66, 69, 70
Stapleton, Thomas, Catholic controversalist (1535-1598)
Promptrarium Morale super Evangelia Dominicalia totius anni (Antwerp, 1613) — 305
Stella, Didacus, Catholic expositor
In evangelicum secundum Lucam enarrationes (Antw., 1608)
Luke 6:31 — 396
Luke 17:1 — xl
Luke 17:20 — 136
Luke 22:19 — 435
Luke 22:14 — 442
Suarez, Francisco, Spanish Jesuit (1548-1617)
Opera Omnia (Paris, 1860), vol. xviii
Commentaria Ac Disputationes in Tertiam Partem D. Thomæ — 213
Tarnov, Johann, German doctor and professor of theology (1586-1629)
In Prophetas Minores Comment. (Leipsic, 1688) — 441
Taylor, Thomas, Puritan divine (1576-1632)
Commentary on Titus — 66, 308, 310, 417
Tertullian, Latin Father (c.160/70-c.215/20[/efn_note]
Apologeticus — xli, 29, 285, 345, 383
De Baptismo — 278
De Corona Militis — 187, 238
De Jejuniis adversus Psychicos — 238
De Oratione — 236-237
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus (c.393-c.457)
History of the Church — 187
Theophylact, Archbishop of Achrida (fl.1070-1081)
On Luke 17 — xxxii
(Thuani) Jacques Auguste de Thou (d.1617)
Historiarum sui temporis — 11, 65, 68, 98, 350
Thomasius (Thomas), Thomas (1553-1588)
Dictionarium linguæ Latinæ et Anglicanæ (London, 1620) — 440
Thysius, Antonius (1603-1665). See Leyden, Professors of.
Tilenus, Daniel, French Arminian divine (1563-1633)
Parænesis ad Scotos, Genevensis disciplinæ zelotas (1620) — 31, 35, 40, 46, 48, 49, 73, 403
Syntagmatis disputationum theologicarum in academica Sedanensi habitarum (Sedanii, 1611) — 4-6, 11-14, 16, 327, 375, 393
Tolet (Toledo), Francisco de, Spainish Cardinal (1532-1596)
In Joannis Evangelium (Rome, 1588), John 13:2 — 436
Trelcatius, Lucas, Reformed theologian at Leiden (1570-1607)
Scholastica et methodica Locorum communium sive Theologiæ Institutio (London, 1604; Oxford, 1606; Hanover, 1610) — 377, 447
Tremellius, Emmanuel, Professor of Hebrew at Heidelberg, Bible translator (1510-1580). See also under F. Junius.
On Joshua 9:19 — 452
On 2 Chron. 30:20 — 68
On Amos 6:4 — 441
On John 10:22 — 268
Ussher, James, Archbishop of Armagh (1580-1656)
An Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland (1625) — 208, 214, 217
A Discourse Of the Religion Anciently Professed by the Irish (1623, 1631) — 191
Vermigli, Peter Martyr, Reformer (1499-1562)
Commentary on 1 Corinthians
5 — 376
6:12 — 419
8 — 125
12:28 — 345
Commentary on 1 Kings
2:8 — 201
8:31 — 316, 317
8:65 — 292
18:30 — 158
Commentary on 2 Kings
10:27 — 165
Vorstius, Conrad, Arminian theologian (1569-1622)
Enchiridion Controversiarum inter Evangelicos et Pontificios (Hanover, 1608) — 39, 448
Vossius, Gerhardus Joannes, Dutch historian (1577-1649)
These theologicæ et historicæ, de varijs doctrinæ christianæ capitibus; etc. (Leiden, 1628) — 435, 445, 447
Walæus, Antonius (1573-1639). See Leyden, Professors of.
[Waldenses] See Perrin
Wesenbecius, Mattheus, Roman law scholar (1531-1586)
Commentarius in Institutionum (Basil, 1576)
Whitaker, William, English Calvinist theologian (1548-1595)
Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura contra huius temporis Papistas, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum . . . Thomam Stapletonum, etc. (Cambridge, 1588). Opera Theologica (Geneva, 1610, 2 vols.). — xl
White, Francis, Bishop of Ely (d.1638)
Orthodox Faith and the Way to the Church (1617) — 90, 177
Willet, Andrew, English divine (1562-1621)
Synopsis Papismi (1593) — xxxiv
Wolphius, Joannes, (Johann Wolf) Professor of Theology at Zurich (1522-1571)
Melachim; id est, Regum libri duo posteriores cum commentariis Petris Martyris Vermilii in primum totum et secondum priora xi capita, et Ioannis Wolphii in secundi quatuordecim ultima capita (Zurich, 1566) Wolf finished the last fourteen chapters of this commentary on I & II Kings begun by Peter Martyr (1499-1562)
Comment on 2 Reg 12 — 302-303, 318, 331
Comment on 2 Reg 18:4 — 159, 160, 169
Zanchius, Jerome, Reformed Theologian (1516-1590)
Operum Theologicorum (Geneva, 1613, 8 volumes bound in 3)
1 Præc. — 293
2 Præc. — 157, 184, 191
3 Præc. — 305, 455-456
4 Præc. — 148, 164, 196, 296, 315, 345, 348, 370, 375, 376,
380-382, 458
Commentary on Ephesians
4:12 — 329
4:13 — 107
chp. 5 — xlii, 463
6:1 — 423
6:5-6 — 417
6:6, 7 — 27
Commentary on Phillippians
1:10 — 312, 313
Commentary on Colossians
2:16 — 37
2:17 — 41, 168
2:20 — 7
Commentary on 1 Thessalonians
5:22 — 108
De Cultu Dei Externo — 463, 465
De Imaginibus — 167-169, 462
De Lege Dei — 391, 393, 396
De Religione Christiana, Fides — 224
De Vitiis Extterno Vero Culti — 133, 204, 207, 214, 220, 225
Epistolarum Libri Duo: Epistolarum Liberi I
Epistle ad Regin. Elis. — 90, 175, 341
Quæstiones Octo Propositæ Theologis Ecclesiæ Genevensis: responsio. — 139