For over thirty years Naphtali Press (NP) has published fine quality editions of Puritan, Presbyterian and Reformed literature. Naphtali Press Special Editions (NPSE) is a series of books co-published by NP and Reformation Heritage Books (RHB). RHB handles production and sales of the titles, while NP creates the text to be published. This involves significant development costs and hearkening back to the days of subscription based and even older era of patron supported publication, NPSE relies on annual sponsor drives to raise the funds to create these texts. Sponsors at the several levels offered receive copies of all titles produced that year, a custom bookplate and recognition in the front sponsorship section of each volume, as well as other ‘rewards’ depending on sponsorship level. Sponsorship of NPSE makes it possible to publish puritan classics never yet republished, or undertake first time translation work, or transcription and editing for first time publication works still remaining in manuscripts.