NPSE series year 2020-2021

2020-2021 NPSE Series Goal (100% FUNDING REACHED! THANK YOU!!).

$24,274/$24,000 Pledged


Additional funding to Translate Voetius on the Sabbath and Feast Days

$6,200/$6,000 Pledged


Thanks to all our sponsors, NPSE reached its full funding on the sponsorship drive for 2020-21! Thank you! For more about Naphtali Press Special Editions (NPSE) and the prior year titles now available, see here.  The titles for NPSE series year 2020-2021 co-published with Reformation Heritage Books are:

  • James Durham, A Commentary upon the Book of Revelation, Lectures on Chapters 4-11. Published in 2021 and in print at RHB. See prior year’s descriptions.
  • The Collected Shorter Works of George Gillespie. Volume 1 of probably 3 volumes. Published in 2021 and in Print at RHB. Gillespie is the author of two famous large books. A critical edition of his first book, Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies was published by Naphtali Press in 2013. A new edition of his magnum opus, Aaron’s Rod Blossoming, a work against state intrusion into the governing of the church, has yet to be produced and would be a significant undertaking. However, his many shorter works are in need of revision and others new found in manuscript included, which would make a nice collection of about two and probably three volumes. This proposed would be the first and would contain at least his Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland and the various anonymously published works.
  • Gisbertus  Voetius, On the Sabbath and Feast Days. This difficult translation project is fully funded and work is underway, albeit slowly. The projected publication for publication now in 2024 (D.V.). This is a first time translation of De Sabbatho et Festis (1638). Not much by Voetius has been translated into English. This is an important work because Voetius was born in 1589, would have known men of the prior generation, was at Dort and clerked and issued its deliverances to print, and thus was well situated to canvas the Reformed view on this issue as it developed from the earlier days of the Reformed churches to 1638. The issue of the Sabbath, like in the UK, was not without controversy, nor the companion issue of what to do with the old holy days of Roman Catholicism. The translation will be done by David C. Noe.