2021-2022 NPSE Series Goals.
$24,313 of $22,000 Pledge Minimum
$24,313 of $24,274 To Equal Last Year
$24,313 of $32,000 Stretch goal
Thanks to all our sponsors, NPSE surpassed its full funding on the sponsorship drive for 2021-22! Thank you! For more about Naphtali Press Special Editions (NPSE) and the prior year titles now available, see here. The titles published for NPSE series year 2021-2022 co-published with Reformation Heritage Books are:
- James Durham, A Commentary upon the Book of Revelation, Lectures on Chapters 12-22. This is the third of the three volume set proposed and completes the commentary. It is now in print at Reformation Heritage Books.
- The Collected Shorter Works of George Gillespie. Volume 2 of 3 volumes planned. Volume 2 is in print and available at Reformation Heritage Books.